Christophe Honoré : a critical introduction
Queer pollen : white seduction, black male homosexuality, and the cinematic
Routledge international encyclopedia of queer culture
Manly arts : masculinity and nation in early American cinema
Authorship and Film
"Choreographing Homosexual Desire in Philippe Vallois's Johan" Camera Obscura, Dec, 2013, Issue 84, p.125(157)
"Engage!" WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly, 2013, Vol.41(3), pp.14-27
"Dancer from the Dance: Gene Kelly, Television, and the Beauty of Movement.(Critical Essay)" Velvet Light Trap, Spring, 2002, p.48(19)
"The Production and Display of the Closet: Making Minnelli's "Tea and Sympathy"" Film Quarterly, 1 April 1997, Vol.50(3), pp.13-26
"Unsinkable Masculinity: The Artist and the Work of Art in James Cameron's "Titanic"" Cultural Critique, 1 January 2002, Issue 50, pp.1-22
"'Other and Different Scenes': Oscar Micheaux's Bodies and the Cinematic Cut" Wide Angle, 1999, Vol.21(4), pp.6-19
"Cinema by Fits and Starts: New Zealand Film Practices in the Twentieth Century" CineAction, Feb, 2000, Issue 51, p.36-47
"An Interview with Peter Wells" Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 1 April 2001, Vol.2(2), pp.105-116
"Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema.(Book review)" American Historical Review, Feb, 2009, Vol.114(1), p.178-179
David Gerstner