Seeing Straight : An Introduction to Gender and Sexual Privilege
The Parallel Lives of Women and Cows Meat Markets
Seeing White: An Introduction to White Privilege and Race
Boundaries of Touch: Parenting and Adult-Child Intimacy
"On the Ability to See Rabbits: Stories Involving a Girl, Her Grandmothers, and Aging Vision" International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 2012, Vol.25(2), p.183-188
"To Speak of my Mother" Qualitative Inquiry, Feb, 2003, Vol.9(1), p.49-56
"Self-Identified Feminist Mothers' Naming Practices for Their Children: Accepting Being "as Feminist as Everyone" Else.(Report)" Women's Studies, 2016, Vol.45(3), p.215(15)
"The Culture of Class and Its Economic Impact" The Review of Black Political Economy, 2015, Vol.42(1), pp.7-18
"Ranch style: A History Told in Carpets.(Essay)" Qualitative Inquiry, August, 2005, Vol.11(4), p.514-517
"The Cleaning Lady: An Exploration of Class Gender in a Rural Wyoming Family" Qualitative Inquiry, April, 2005, Vol.11(2), p.191-197
"This I Know: An Exploration of Remembering Childhood and Knowing Now" Qualitative Inquiry, Sept, 2000, Vol.6(3), p.349(1)
"Recalculating the Berkshires.(Fiction)(Short story)" The Antioch Review, Summer, 2013, Vol.71(3), p.473(5)
Jean Halley